It’s simple. Jesus is where satisfaction is found. Anything less is unsatisfying. Our minds and flesh make this more difficult than it needs to be.
We as people are always on the search for true satisfaction and we have been programed by society to try to find it in everything else than the only one from whom this actually comes.
We look in success, entertainment, drugs, relationships with others and even ministry or religion. None of which gives true satisfaction. It’s truly only found in the life giver. His name is Jesus.
Somehow we get it in our brains that filling our life with stuff is how we attain joy. There millionaires who are miserable and famous people who commit suicide all the time. Why?
Could it be that material possessions, friends, money, nice houses, cars, and all the finer things don’t bring joy and satisfaction?
Satisfaction Is Found In Jesus
There was a man who walked the earth around 2000 years ago who claimed to be one with the Father, who claimed to have the words of life, who preformed more miracles and anyone ever recorded and he wanted to show us how to walk.
Jesus was his name and his blood was shed when he would not deny who he was, is and forever will be….. My savior, my redeemer, my Lord, my God and my only true satisfaction, Jesus!!
Except nothing less than the best. There is no other gospel as some proclaim. There is only one door to heaven and he shed his blood to give you a free pass that cost the life of the life giver.
Find Him And Fallow Him
He made it simple. All you have to do is accept his forgiveness. What more could you ever possibly want. The King of the universe gave his life for you to have passage.
I pray if you haven’t already found the saving Grace of Jesus you cry out to him for forgiveness, receive freedom, true satisfaction and begin to fallow Jesus unrelentingly.
If you once knew Jesus and have walked away like the prodigal son you come back to the Father so he can bless you with the best.
He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and only were satisfaction is found. Find Him.