The healing and prophetic services with David Thom and his wife were a Holy Spirit filled and anointed time of healing and on time words from God through David and his wife.
1st Healing And Prophetic Service
The first service on Wed. Aug 30th, started with praise and worship and while people entered into worship God started to fill the room with his glory and everyone was moving to the Spirit Of God!
As we finished worshiping with the song Worthy Of It all Brother David Thom started giving a word about being hungry and the importance of worshiping and urged us to worship to the song again and the Spirit of God thickened even more in the room.
After that Brother Thom started to give a word about not being a dry Church and how Elijah sent his servant 6 times to search for rain and it started with a cloud only the size of a man’s fist.
He also spoke that God is breaking the drought in the Church today and he is getting ready to pour out his Spirit in abundance!

After his message he prayed over every individual in the house of God and God was moving through him and his Wife tremendously!
2nd Healing And Prophetic Service
The second service Thur. Aug 31st was just as full if not more of the Holy Spirit as the first!!
The worship at the beginning was led by our very own Nicole Mullins and April Mcclenney and Jesus was present as the Holy Spirit moved mightily in this service!

As Brother Thom started and before his word he gave a shout out to the couple who traveled over 3 hours to be in this service and how God is using them mightily!
Then he spoke that a wind of the Holy Spirit is beginning to blow in many Churches and in the Church at large.
He talked about a move of God that is getting ready to happen like never before and he is getting ready to do it right now!!
Link to the 1st Service: https://www.facebook.com/revivalhouseky/videos/263566509812283
Link to the 2nd service: https://www.facebook.com/revivalhouseky/videos/827421462172270
There is way too much in both of these live services to give in this article so I hope you take time to watch both services to see what God has done at Revival House Chuch with these Prophetic and Healing services with brother David Thom!