Here’s the real questions; Do we really wan to see Revival? Are we hungry enough to see it? Are we on fire enough to see it? Do we pray enough to see it? These are all liable questions. But have we asked God what he wants to see to start to move revival?
Yes, I believe the answer to all these questions is TO answer ALL these questions. Start to want to see revival more than anything else. Desire God and a move of his tangible presence above all other things.
I want us to begin to hunger so badly for God that we deny food to go after him. Maybe if we don’t have food in our stomachs we will be more hungry for God than physical food. Which brings another question for another time; how’s your spiritual diet?
But wait, maybe this is the time… The time of salvation is NOW! Correct?
We can’t sit and binge on everything that is not God and expect him to move. We can’t fill ourselves up with the world and expect to look like the Church, doesn’t matter what clothes you are wearing.
I wanna be so full of God that every time I talk he shines so bright that Revival emits and people come to Christ!
I want to burn so HOT with Revival fire the fire department comes to put me out. Is this your desire? Is this your hunger?
I know within my heart of hearts that prayer is the main key. It’s the master key to unlock the Spirit of revival and I myself need to grab a hold of the importance of praying without ceasing.
When was the last time you spent more than 10 minutes praying and asking God to just move on our situation?
Now, where does it start? Where do we begin?
on our knees.
God bless everyone. Love you all. But I believe the prayer movement needs to begin now.
Your simple Pastor,
Brandon Robbins
So many great points here, Brandon. In my experience, spiritual “hunger” is much like natural hunger. We really don’t have much control over our appetites. We cannot decide to be hungry or not. Sometimes we hunger for specific things and nothing satisfies our appetite until we get that one thing that we’re hungering for. There are some triggers, though. Have you ever been driving through town and all of the sudden you get a whiff of that steak house and said “I wasn’t even hungry until I smelled that.”?
That smell is an appetite trigger.
There are spiritual appetite triggers, too. One of my triggers is stories of past revivals. I love to hear about/read/watch stories of the details of how God has moved throughout his people in the past; the house that was literally moved off of its foundation in a prayer meeting or the move of God that began in a school and spread through the children of the community. Knowing that these things, and more, can happen in MY community and in YOUR community wets my appetite for more!
Another great point you touched on was being full of God. Most believers are full of everything else and want to top off their tank with God. As you know, God is not satisfied with our little addition of Him in our spiritual junk pile. We have to clean out the crap…ALL OF IT, and ask Him to fill us. What I’ve come to find true is that a soul that craves entertainment is a symptom of a starving spirit. Addicted to Netflix, pornography, celebrity gossip, sports, etc..? It’s a symptom of a sick and starving spirit. Feeding the spirit with good spiritual food in those moments is like taking medicine; we don’t want to do it. We want to feed the addiction. But, taking the medicine every time will begin to make us well.
I pray that the hunger for revival spreads and intensifies throughout your congregation and community, and that an insatiable appetite for God & Godliness overcomes every heart-stealing and Revival-quenching addiction in your church.
Lord, bring a historic & life changing move of your Spirit to Richmond, KY! Dismantle life as they know it and let them experience the life of the power of God in every possible way!
Good stuff brother! Why aren’t you writing a blog?