Have you ever been there when the spiritual meets the natural? If you have it most certainly would have changed your life. I myself am tired of sitting by and watching a world without the super natural hand of God getting involved. I am ready for God to get involved in such a way at Revival House Church are you?
The question is, how do we see more of God getting involved in our every day lives. Well, it starts with you getting more involved with God and asking him a simple question; What do you want God? How do you want to see this happen God?
You Might even ask, What next God? One thing’s for sure, when we step out for him, he steps out for us. One God led leap of faith catapults you into an amazing Spirit filled experience that only God can orchestrate and you will be more than happy you jumped.
So back to the original Question; Have you ever been there when the Spiritual meets the natural? or another way to say is when the natural meets the supernatural because The heavenly realm is the supernatural realm and when God get’s involved you will never forget how he changes the atmosphere.
Whether it be a healing, a vision of the Spirit, A miracle Salvation, or God just getting involved in a way you can’t deny when he shows up lives are changed for the better and forever.
Here’s just some well known scripture about the Spiritual meeting the Natural and in the birth of the Church:
Acts 2:1-4 2 When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
When Revival Starts
Another prominent indication that Revival is happening or is on the brink is when you hear about the moving of God with signs wonders and miracles.
When Revival starts you will see the Spiritual meet the natural and all heaven will break loose in an area. When this happens it can happen in such a way as to see crime decrease so much the law enforcement are board and come to see what God is doing to all these Drug dealers who now have a new life in Chris!
I want to see a Region changed and a generation so on fire with the holy Spirit they spread the Love and healing power of Jesus everywhere around!
When we seek his face and step out with the realization that the same spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the grave lives in us we will start to see the change that is Revival.
So as I asked before, the question still stands; Where do we start?
The answer is still the same…….. On our knees.
God bless,
Pastor Brandon Robbins
P.S. I want to be there when the spiritual meets the supernatural.