Not only was the Revival House Church VBS for 2021 a success, this being our first ever Vacation Bible School, it was a blast for all who attended.
With children of youth and big kids alike we had a great time in the Lord with food, kids worship, games and so much more as we ushered the Holy Spirit all in all!
Only being a pastor for a short amount of time it pleased me to see so much joy and worship coming from these kids.
Day 1 Of Vbs
On the first day and not knowing what to expect we had several children attend and both of our young leaders, Amanda Holt (Children’s Pastor) and Sha’la Anderson (Youth Pastor) did a bang up job of not only decorating but initiating with direction the first service.
They had plenty of fun as both our leaders led worship and taught both groups on the three hebrew children who were thrown in the furnace.
Day 2 Of VBS
The second day was even more eventful and amazing as we had more children in attendance than the first day and they were all having a blast with worship on the screens as they danced their hearts to the Lord.
They were very attentive while being taught about blind Bartimaeus and how he received his sight. With more games and fun they didn’t want the night to end.
Day 3 Of VBS
We had a great grand finale for the Vacation Bible School! We filled our bellies and then kicked off with live worship from our Worship Pastor David Adams as the children danced and worshiped their hearts out.
The children had a blast learning about how Saul became Paul and received his sight and they even were able to receive prizes for answering the trivia questions correctly from the past three nights.
To end it all, all the kids and adults alike had a shot at using their best pitching arm to throw cream pies at Pastor Brandon and Pastor Dave.
We would like to thank all who helped and attended the first Revival House Church VBS for 2021!! We are looking forward to next year!